1- Introduction of Home/ House Hold Insurance |
HDFC was incorporated in 1977 as the first specialised mortgage company in India. HDFC provides financial assistance to individuals, corporates and developers for the purchase or construction of residential housing. It also provides property related services ( e.g. property identification, sales services and valuation), training and consultancy. Of these activities, housing finance remains the dominant activity. HDFC has a client base of around 9.5 lac borrowers, around 1 million depositors, over 91,000 shareholders and 50,000 deposit agents as at March 31, 2007. HDFC has raised funds from international agencies such as the World Bank, IFC (Washington), USAID, DEG, ADB and KfW, international syndicated loans, domestic term loans from banks and insurance companies, bonds and deposits. HDFC has received the highest rating for its bonds and deposits program for the twelfth year in succession. HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited, promoted by HDFC was the first life insurance company in the private sector to be granted a Certificate of Registration (on October 23, 2000) by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority to transact life insurance business in India. |
For further information mail to us at ibidelhi@gmail.com, ria@surekhae.com |