1- Introduction of Home/ House Hold Insurance
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Co-operative Limited (IFFCO) was created on November 3, 1967 as a multi-unit co-operative society engaged in production and distribution of fertilisers. The byelaws of the Society provide a broad frame work for the activities of IFFCO as a Cooperative Society. The main emphasis is on production and distribution of fertilisers.
The Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance :
The Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance (Tokio Marine) Company holds a leading position in Japan's property and casualty insurance industry. It is the second largest in P&C insurance market in the world with superior capitalization, stable profitability and conservative management team. The company provides a broad range of property and casualty insurance products and services, including automobile, fire, and personal accident coverage to retail and corporate clients.
The Joint Venture :
IFFCO TOKIO General Insurance Company is a joint venture promoted by India Farmers Fertiliser Co-operative, Tokio Marine and Fire Insurance Company, Japan, the fifth largest insurance company in the world, Krishak Bharathi Cooperative Ltd.(KRIBHCO), and Indian Potash. Their contribution to the Rs. 100 crore equity capital is 49 percent, 26 percent, 20 percent and 5 percent respectively. The Head Office is in Delhi and the other operating Offices are in about 20 cities.
For further information mail to us at ibidelhi@gmail.com, ria@surekhae.com