Ria Insurance Brokers Pvt Ltd, Sai Sadan, 252-K, 2nd Floor, Raja Dhirsain Marg, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi-110065 Mob:+91-8447757650 Phone: 011- 41623784, 41324710 Email: ria1@surekhae.com
India has population of 115 crores (1150 millions) Assuring family size of 5 this means that we have 230 million homes.
According to out estimate 2% of the homes are insured in India, which means that 46 million homes are insured.
If we take average premium at Rs. 2000/- per home then figure should be Rs. 920 crores. The truth is we are no where near it. We feel that figure of 2% is not the correct figure and the homes insured in India are 0.5% which means half of 1%.
To protect your interest as an individual/ family
To protect yourself/ in case you have taken housing loan