National Policy Warding Home Insurance
The Company will indemnify the Insured against unforseen and sudden physical damage caused by and/or solely due to mechanical and or electrical breakdown of domestic electrical, electronic or mechanical appliances, apparatuses or gadgets specified in the Schedule whilst contained in or fixed at the Insured premises. Provided that the liability of the Company in respect of any one item in any one period of insurance will not exceed the sum insured set against such item in the Schedule.
It is a requirement of this insurance that the sum insured in respect of such items specified in the schedule shall be equal to cost of replacement of the insured property by new property of the same kind and capacity.
a) Where damage to an Insured item can be repaired the Company will pay expenses necessarily incurred to restore the damage item to its former state of serviceability. If the cost of repair exceeds the actual value of the insured item immediately before the occurrence of the damage the settlement shall be made on the basis provided for in (b) below.
b) In case of total loss, claims will be paid subject to depreciation of 10% per year from the date of manufacture. The maximum deprection, however shall not exceed 50% of the sum insured of the item in respect of which a total loss claim is admitted.
SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: The Company shall not be liable in respect of
i - Loss or damage caused by or arising out of wilful act or wilful gross negligence of the insured
ii - Loss or damage due to faults existing at the time of commencement of this insurance and known to the Insured, regardless of whether such faults or defects were known to the company or not.
iii - Loss or damage for which the manufacturer or supplier of the property is responsible thereby or under contract.
iv - Cost of transport to the repair shop and back to the insured’s premises of any insured item arising out of any damage to such item.
v - Loss of or damage to any insured item by perils which are insurable under other section of this policy
vi - Loss of or damage to any insured item occassioned by permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation commandering or requisition by any lawfully constututed  authority of such item or by permanent or temporary dispossession of any building resulting from the unlawful occupation by the insured of the building.
The insured shall bear upon himself 1% of the sum insured in respect of each domestic appliance separately or the sum of Rupees twenty five (Rs. 25 only) Whichever is higher of each and every loss or damage in respect of which claim is admitted under the policy.